CallScaler + Zapier Integration

Looking for a call tracking product with a Zapier integration? Look no further! Zapier comes free included on any CallScaler plan.

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How to connect CallScaler and Zapier

Step 1: Log in to Zapier

Go to your Zapier account or create one if you haven’t already.

Step 2: Create a New Zap

Click on “Create Zap” to start a new automation workflow at top left corner.

Step 1 Zapier & CallScaler Integration for Call Tracking

Step 3: Select CallScaler as the Trigger App

  • In the “Trigger” section, search for “CallScaler” as the trigger app.
  • Select “New Call” as the trigger event, which will capture every new call record.


Step 4: Choose Trigger Event

Select “New Call” as the trigger event to capture each new call.

Step 5: Connect CallScaler Account

Authorize Zapier to access your CallScaler account by giving your CallScaler API Token and your Callscaler account Email.

You can find the API by clicking in the top right corner of your account and clicking “API Tokens”

Step 6: Configure Trigger & Test

In configure trigger settings you have to give your CallScaler account email. You’ll then test the trigger to retrieve a sample call record to confirm the connection and data.

Step 7: Add Actions Based on Desired Outcome

  • To add a new caller to your CRM: Select your CRM Software (e.g., Hubspot) as the action app. Add a new person as a contact in Hubspot.
  • To Send an Email After a Call Happens: Select your email service (e.g., Gmail) as the action app. Define the recipient, and customize the message to include relevant call details.
  • To Update Google Sheets: Choose Google Sheets as the action app. Map call details (like caller ID, time) to columns, and select the spreadsheet where data should be added


Step 8: Test & Publish 

Ensure that each action works with the sample call data and publish your Zap.

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