Port your numbers to CallScaler

Porting can take anywhere between 1-3 weeks. We suggest asking your current provider for your port out details (with PIN) before filling out this form.

Porting in bulk? Click here to download the bulk port request form

Start the porting process

Current Service Provider Details

*You will need to get a PIN number from your current service provider in order to complete a port request. It is not always available in the dashboard of your account, so you may need to reach out to their support team.

Phone Service Address

Not necessarily the same as your billing address. We require the location where the phone calls take place on file with the current operating network. If you have doubts about the location the operating network has on file, please request a customer service record (CSR). Only one service address is allowed per port request (if you have multiple locations, please submit multiple request).

Letter of Authorization

Our provider (SignalWire) requires a signed LOA dated within the past 30 days is necessary for porting your numbers into CallScaler. Please download, fill out, and upload the appropriate form with your port-in request.

Download Local Number LOA
Download Toll-Free Number LOA

Note: To prevent unauthorized porting SignalWire now requires a recent bill copy and Letter of Authorization (LOA) to port-in telephone numbers. Please use the below two checkboxes to verify that you’ve attached the necessary documentation.