Post an offer

Want to create a pay per call offer to post on the CallScaler Marketplace?

Great! We love to onboard new businesses and networks into our marketplace. In order to post an offer, you'll need to fill out the application below. This helps us keep our marketplace clean from spam and allow us to manage the marketplace more effectively.

Marketplace Application


Create your free Marketplace account

This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

What is Pay Per Call?

Pay per call is similar to pay-per-click Google ads, however, instead of a business paying to get a ad click, they pay to get an inbound call from a potential customer.

Pay per call has been growing rapidly in recent years because in most business verticals, a call will turn into a customer up to 15x more than a click to their website.

At CallScaler, we decided to build this marketplace to help businesses get more calls from potential customers and help experienced marketers work with businesses in a streamlined way.